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Happy 4th of July!

Fourth of July

The Hutchinson County Sheriff's Office wishes you and your family a safe and exciting 4th of July holiday weekend. This holiday is a celebration of our independence as a nation on July 4, 1776. To learn more about the history of Independence Day from, click here.

Remember that fireworks can pose a fire and safety hazard to those who use them. Use caution when shooting fireworks, and be sure to follow these recommended safety tips from

  • Read cautionary labels and performance descriptions before lighting a firework.
  • Never give fireworks to children.
  • Wear safety glasses when shooting fireworks.
  • Use the fireworks outdoors, away from buildings and vehicles.
  • Dispose of fireworks safely (wet them down and place them in a metal trash can until the next day).

We caution anyone who is traveling this holiday weekend, to remember to always wear your seat belt and never drink and drive - instead, call a designated driver to get you home safely. Not only do you risk your life when you drive impaired, but you are also putting the other drivers and passengers you share the roadway with at risk, too.

The Hutchinson County Sheriff's Office wishes everyone a fun and safe 4th of July weekend!

Sheriff Kemp

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